No more being in the dark.

Calculate your annual savings.

Use our network downtime calculator to get an analysis of gross revenue lost,
productivity loss and cloud assurance goals - all in a few clicks.


Total Annual Loss:

Annual Savings:

Gross Revenue*
1,000,000 - 5,000,000,000
# of Employees *
50 - 10,000
Avg # hours of
downtime per outage *
1 - 8
# of locations *
2 - 200
Outages per month *
0 - 10
# of IT employees impacted *
0 - 100
Salary per hour of IT
employee trouble shooting outages *
10 - 200
Avg salary per hour
of employee *
10 - 200

Based on the following assumptions


Employee Hours worked in a week

# hours in typical work week


Employee Hours worked in a month

21 business days in a month times number of hours in a day


Employee Hours worked in a year

168 work hours in a month times 12 months a year


Subtracting sick days, paid vacation and company holidays

3 weeks paid vacation (15 days times 8hrs)


Total Hours worked per employee

Vacation/Sick days subtracted from 2,016 hours worked in a year


Get a fully customized calculation

To get an even more accurate idea of potential loss and savings, contact us.